Sunnyvale Housing Strategy Study Issue – Feb. 4th

There will be a special City Council meeting on February 4th, 5:30 PM, to present the results of the Housing Strategy Study. This Study Issue was approved by the Council almost 2 years ago as an omnibus study issue covering a wide range of issues related to housing in Sunnyvale. Issues include: Rent stabilization programs for Sunnyvale mobile home parksAge-friendliness of housing in SunnyvaleStrategies to increase the affordable housing supply, such as a land acquisition financing program for non-profit developers and reinstating an updated rental inclusionary ordinance consistent with AB 1505Strategies to help with the demand for affordable housing, such as homebuyer, tenant, and financial literacy education programs

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February 12th General Meeting – Active Transportation Plan, Study Issues and Measures G & H

At our next meeting on February 12th (note the change of date), 6:30 pm at Toyota Sunnyvale, 898 W. El Camino Real, Sunnyvale, our topics will be: Sunnyvale Active Transportation Plan How can we continue to improve options for bicyclists and pedestrians in Sunnyvale? How can Sunnyvale students more safely walk and bike to school? The City of Sunnyvale is exploring these questions as part of a year-long effort to create an Active Transportation Plan that will address bicycle, pedestrian and Safe Routes to Schools needs throughout the City. The Active Transportation Plan will help the City strategically invest in programs and projects to make walking and bicycling safer and more convenient…

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How to get more homes with less driving – Feb. 6th

Livable Sunnyvale is co-sponsoring this special event with Friends of Caltrain and other partners. The Bay Area needs to build many more homes to address the housing affordability crisis, but we don’t want to worsen the climate crisis or our traffic challenges. You can advocate for affordable homes with great transportation options that will help make your community more healthy and connected. Join us to: Learn about the connections between housing affordability, traffic reduction, and climate change; Hear how communities are planning and building in ways that reduce the need to driveSee how you can help make your community more walkable, affordable, and transit-friendly.Learn about upcoming decisions in Santa Clara and Sunnyvale to…

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The Return of the El Camino Real Specific Plan – January 24th

When we last saw the El Camino Real Specific Plan, at the end of 2017, Sunnyvale's City Council had selected a preferred land use alternative from among the four presented for consideration (click on the links for the staff report and  meeting video).  After receiving recommendations from the ECR Plan Advisory Committee (ECRPAC), staff and the Planning Commission, considering input from the online survey and public workshops, hearing input from public speakers at the hearing, and much deliberation, the City Council selected Alternative R PLUS as the land use plan to be studied and developed further. Of the four alternatives, ALT-R PLUS is the land use plan that identified the greatest amount of residential development opportunity along the El…

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Induction Cooking/Going Electric – Jan 8th General Meeting

Greetings!  Please join us for  Livable Sunnyvale's January General MeetingWhen: Wed, Jan. 8th, 6:30 - 8:30 pm Where: Toyota Sunnyvale, 898 West El Camino Real, 2nd floor. Featured speakers: 1. James Tuleya entertaining us (cooking) while he explains the differences in cost, convenience, health benefits and more withinduction cooking!  Find out why induction is both much healthier for your family and for the planet!2. John Supp, Account Services Manager at Silicon Valley Clean Energy will give a brief presentation on going all-electric, including information on the latest rebates and cost savings.  Most of his time will be on answering your questions. For other related events, please see our Upcoming Events list.  

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Livable Sunnyvale – December General Meeting

Don’t miss the very last general meeting of the year on Wednesday, December 4, 2019. The agenda includes three great topics: Vignesh Swaminathan, President and CEO of Crossroad Labs will update us on the new Downtown San Jose. Vignesh is responsible for designing and delivering the bike network. He will present the details behind the quick-build, bicyclist- and pedestrian-friendly infrastructure. SB50: A discussion of SB 50 led by Livable Sunnyvale Vice Chair Richard Mehlinger. Livable Sunnyvale members will be asked to vote on endorsement of this bill. You can find Richard's analysis of SB 50, and his argument for why Livable Sunnyvale should endorse it, here: Electrifying everything is a City of Sunnyvale goal. We’ll…

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Livable Sunnyvale – November 6th Meeting

Please join us this Wednesday for:   Livable Sunnyvale's November General Meeting When: Wed, Nov. 6th, 6:30 - 8:30 pm  Where: Toyota Sunnyvale, 898 West El Camino Real, 2nd floor. Meetings are free and open to the public. Featured speaker is Robert Stromberg from Destination Home who will give us a presentation about Housing Readiness Communities and how individuals and organizations can get involved.  Here's an introduction to the topic: Building Housing Ready Communities Together The Destination: Home Housing Ready Communities initiative brings together neighbors, community groups, nonprofits, government and housing developers to take action for urgently needed supportive housing and extremely low income affordable housing to end and prevent homelessness in Santa Clara County. The introductory…

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Livable Sunnyvale – Oct. 2nd Meeting

At our October meeting, we will introduce a new feature called “the Month in Review” on Google Slides. Steering Committee Membership Director Julia Liu will explain how we all can use this feature to add content to share. By the same interactive logic, we will also introduce a new feature for ending our meetings called “Upcoming Events”. All members will also have access to post to keep us up to date on important future events. Our special guests will be members of the Santa Clara Community Advocates who will introduce themselves and continue the process of collaboration that was started by Greenbelt Alliance who organized Envisioning El Camino, held recently at the…

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Livable Sunnyvale Sept. 4th General Meeting

Join us for our monthly Livable Sunnyvale General Meeting. Other than updates on Climate Action Plan 2.0 from Council,  meeting with Sunnyvale Housing Officer, Age Friendly Cities meeting, Vision Zero outcome, Active Transportation Plan, our Transportation Platform, our Housing Platform, and activism opportunities, there will be two Speaker Presentations Milo Trauss and Sara to give an update on the outreach process and feedback so far on the Fremont Corners Village Center (2 outreach sessions held so far) Q and A.Sue S. Will give a short training on “how to be an activist in Sunnyvale” (Key documents, contacts, and roles to play alone or in the organization). Livable Sunnyvale Sept. General Meeting When: Wed, Sept. 4th, 6:30 - 8:30 pm Where:…

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