Sunnyvale El Camino Real Specific Plan Advisory Committee Meeting

Last week the City Council approved the Residential-Plus option for El Camino Real. The topic of this meeting will be Circulation and Multimodal Access. City Staff and Consultants will present the possible strategies the El Camino Real Plan Advisory Committee (ECRPAC) and community can consider incorporating into the ECR Plan to improve safety and access on the corridor for different modes of travel (pedestrians, bicycles and vehicles). These strategies are based on existing City goals and policies and the input received from staff and from the community through the pop-up workshops, community workshop and previous ECRPAC meetings. Thursday, August 24, 2017 6:30pm  9:00pm Sunnyvale Senior Center (Laurel Room) 550 East Remington Drive Sunnyvale,…

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Make Your Voice Heard About Sunnyvale’s El Camino Real

SHOW YOUR SUPPORT FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING ON EL CAMINO REAL Sunnyvale is currently accepting community input on the El Camino Real Specific Plan, which will serve as the visionary blueprint for developing the corridor in the coming years. The City will be selecting a preferred alternative from three options this summer that will guide the developmental priorities of the projects to come on El Camino Real. Now is the time to speak up for what you think will best improve El Camino Real for the Sunnyvale community. To combat the housing crisis and reduce traffic congestion, we must speak up for transit-friendly neighborhoods with desperately needed homes that we can all afford.…

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El Camino Real: Walking Tours of Mixed Use Nodes

The Livable Sunnyvale Coalition volunteers are offering Walking Tours of the 4 potential mixed use nodes on El Camino Real. To sign up for the tours contact the tour leader of each node or go to:  Future of El Camino Real Walking Tours. Walking Tours Eastern Node At Wolfe and El Camino, May 13. Tour Leader Mike Serrone, Community Center Node on Remington Drive, May 23 and 27. Tour Leaders Karen Schlesser and Jason Uhlenkhott, sign-up at Downtown Node at Mathilda Avenue, May 17. Tour Leader Sue Serrone at Western Node at Bernardo Ave, May 13 and 15. Tour Leader James Tuleya at For more information on The…

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Check out the Mercury News article about our "Future of Sunnyvale's El Camino Real" event! Sunnyvale Asks for Feedback on Future of El Camino Real Greenbelt Alliance has a great blog post about the event. And Panelist Kirk Vartan live-streamed the event on facebook.  

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El Camino Real Specific Plan

Upcoming Event: THE FUTURE OF SUNNYVALE'S EL CAMINO REAL: A PANEL DISCUSSION Test, learn about the city's plans for El Camino Real.   Join us Wednesday, April 26 for a discussion by a panel of residents and issue experts on the future of the El Camino Real in Sunnyvale. How can we create great neighborhoods that we can all afford? What can be done to make safer places for walking and biking with smart transportation choices? How will the future of the corridor affect our economy, our environment, and our quality of life? Learn more about the city's upcoming plans for El Camino Real, and how you can help shape the vision…

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Land Use and Transportation Element (LUTE)

Upcoming events for the LUTE: Planning Commission Hearing -  to receive public comments on the Environmental Impact Statement. This is the final step before approval. Monday, March 27, 2017, 7pm          City Council Public Hearing - to receive public comments on the Environmental Impact Statement. This is the final step before approval. Tuesday, April 11th, 2017, 7pm       Attend or send in an email in support of sufficient housing and sustainable transportation.

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