Dear members, friends, supporters and community,    

As Livable Sunnyvale’s current chair, I am proud to let you know that Sunnyvale’s Chamber of Commerce has named Livable Sunnyvale the city’s 2024 nonprofit of the year.  This is a huge honor as we follow Sunnyvale Community Services, the 2023 recipient. We are also writing to ask for your support.

As you may know, we are a volunteer run organization and for the past ten years have advocated for,

  • Minimum wage increases        
  • Affordable housing
  • Equity in education
  • Candidate Forums
  • Bike safety programs
  • Initiatives for the unhoused
  • El Camino Real Specific Plan  
  • Moffett Park Specific Plan
  • Housing Element     
  • Regional transportation solutions
  • Sunnyvale Community Services Community Leaders  Mentorship Program

As we have grown, so have our expenses and at this point in our journey we need to ask for your support. The costs associated with our 501(c)(3) status include annual filing fees, Zoom account fees, website fees, insurance, marketing materials, and bookkeeping software. 

If you value the work we do please consider making a tax deductible donation to Livable Sunnyvale.  Thank you for any support you can contribute.

Be well,

Angela Rausch Chair, Livable Sunnvale


    • Mail a check to Livable Sunnyvale at PO Box 2647, Sunnyvale, CA 94087

    • Send to our Paypal Giving Fund  (You can use either a credit card or your Paypal account to make the payment.)

    • Zelle to our bank account:, OR, scan QR code below.  Please also send us an email to let us know so we can send you  your tax receipt.