Land Use and Transportation Element (LUTE)

Upcoming events for the LUTE: Planning Commission Hearing -  to receive public comments on the Environmental Impact Statement. This is the final step before approval. Monday, March 27, 2017, 7pm          City Council Public Hearing - to receive public comments on the Environmental Impact Statement. This is the final step before approval. Tuesday, April 11th, 2017, 7pm       Attend or send in an email in support of sufficient housing and sustainable transportation.

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Land Use and Transportation Element

Land Use and Transportation Element The Land Use and Transportation Element (LUTE) is one of 22 elements and sub-elements that make up the Sunnyvale General Plan.  The LUTE is an important document that establishes the goals and policies for the physical development and appearance of the city as well as for the transportation system.  It determines whether we will have enough homes to meet the needs of our residents; what options we have to get around; whether homes, shops and jobs are close by or far apart; and more. Planning Commission Public Hearing - to receive public comments on the Environmental Impact Statement. This is the final step before approval. Monday, March 27, 2017, 7pm   …

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Lawrence Station Environmental Impact Report

Lawrence Station Environmental Impact Report The Lawrence Station Area Plan will investigate options and identify strategies for maximizing benefits for Sunnyvale that come from the area’s proximity to Lawrence Caltrain Station. The goals of the effort are intended to transform the station area, broaden and strengthen the range of viable transportation choices, and encourage efficient use of available land and infrastructure. September (date TBD) - Planning Commission October (date TBD) - City Council

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El Camino Real Corridor Specific Plan

El Camino Real Corridor Specific Plan The City of Sunnyvale is embarking on a community planning effort to refine and guide the future vision of Sunnyvale's 4-mile stretch of El Camino Real as a vibrant, mixed-use corridor with improved streetscapes and safer environments for walking, bicycling and other modes of transportation.  Upcoming opportunities to participate: September 8. - Community Outreach Sunnyvale City Council Hosts Study Session Tuesday, September 13, 2016, 6:00 PM City Council, Council Chambers - 456 W Olive Avenue, Sunnyvale: The City of Sunnyvale is currently leading a process to update its El Camino Real Corridor Specific Plan. The plan area includes approximately 350 acres along the four miles of…

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Coalition News

The Sunnyvale Sustainable and Affordable Living Coalition (SSALC) is a new and fast growing coalition of individuals and organizations that are working together toward a more vibrant, inclusive, and people-friendly Sunnyvale. We educate and activate residents and office-holders to secure an environmentally sustainable future with broadly shared prosperity and a high quality of life. Members of the coalition include Friends of Caltrain, Greenbelt Alliance, Sunnyvale Cool, the Sunnyvale Democratic Club’s Affordable Housing Committee, Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition, SV@Home, and TransForm. We support: More homes for people across the income spectrum for a more inclusive society Transportation solutions that protect the environment and reduce traffic Development of walkable, transit-friendly village centers, with homes, shops, jobs, and…

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