Livable Sunnyvale – November 6th Meeting

Please join us this Wednesday for:   Livable Sunnyvale's November General Meeting When: Wed, Nov. 6th, 6:30 - 8:30 pm  Where: Toyota Sunnyvale, 898 West El Camino Real, 2nd floor. Meetings are free and open to the public. Featured speaker is Robert Stromberg from Destination Home who will give us a presentation about Housing Readiness Communities and how individuals and organizations can get involved.  Here's an introduction to the topic: Building Housing Ready Communities Together The Destination: Home Housing Ready Communities initiative brings together neighbors, community groups, nonprofits, government and housing developers to take action for urgently needed supportive housing and extremely low income affordable housing to end and prevent homelessness in Santa Clara County. The introductory…

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Livable Sunnyvale – Oct. 2nd Meeting

At our October meeting, we will introduce a new feature called “the Month in Review” on Google Slides. Steering Committee Membership Director Julia Liu will explain how we all can use this feature to add content to share. By the same interactive logic, we will also introduce a new feature for ending our meetings called “Upcoming Events”. All members will also have access to post to keep us up to date on important future events. Our special guests will be members of the Santa Clara Community Advocates who will introduce themselves and continue the process of collaboration that was started by Greenbelt Alliance who organized Envisioning El Camino, held recently at the…

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Livable Sunnyvale Sept. 4th General Meeting

Join us for our monthly Livable Sunnyvale General Meeting. Other than updates on Climate Action Plan 2.0 from Council,  meeting with Sunnyvale Housing Officer, Age Friendly Cities meeting, Vision Zero outcome, Active Transportation Plan, our Transportation Platform, our Housing Platform, and activism opportunities, there will be two Speaker Presentations Milo Trauss and Sara to give an update on the outreach process and feedback so far on the Fremont Corners Village Center (2 outreach sessions held so far) Q and A.Sue S. Will give a short training on “how to be an activist in Sunnyvale” (Key documents, contacts, and roles to play alone or in the organization). Livable Sunnyvale Sept. General Meeting When: Wed, Sept. 4th, 6:30 - 8:30 pm Where:…

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August 7th Meeting: Housing Platform and Tactical Urbanism

At our next General Meeting, this Wednesday at 6:30 pm, we will discussed and vote on our Draft Housing Platform. You can find and comment on it here: You can also send the steering committee feedback directly.If you would like to suggest changes, please get us your comments by Monday evening at the latest, so that we can consider incorporating them. As a reminder, per our bylaws, amendments require a two thirds vote to pass.Note that the sections on transportation and the environment are not yet done. We'll be working on finishing them in the next couple months. We will also have a presentation on Tactical Urbanism. The Livable Sunnyvale General Meeting is…

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July 19th Meeting: Housing and Transportation Platform

Greetings everyone!  The draft of Livable Sunnyvale's platform is attached.  If you have a chance, please take a look before the meeting. We will be meeting this Friday July 19th from 6 pm to 8 pm at the new AC Hotel, 597 E. El Camino Real, Sunnyvale.This is a SPECIAL gathering to discuss and progress our Housing Platform. The Steering Committee has developed a first draft which will serve as the basis for small group discussions on the key areas of the Platform.    There are many housing related proposals, a transportation section and a climate section to flesh out.  We have invited our coalition partners and hope many of you will…

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Livable Sunnyvale June 5th General Meeting – Age-Friendly Sunnyvale and Protected Bike Lanes

Come hear TWO great presentations at Livable Sunnyvale’s June 5th General Meeting.  Everyone is welcome.·       Tracey Gott from Age-Friendly Silicon Valley will update us on the Sunnyvale Action Plan.  The City's age-friendliness assessment was completed in May 2018.  What has happened since then?  What's the timeline for completion and what can the residents expect?·       John Cordes representing SVBC Santa Clara County Advocate will update us on Protected bikeways. What are these paths, and why do we need them?  Most importantly, how will biking be safer for all riders using protected bike paths?Come learn how Livable Sunnyvale will impact these efforts.WHEN? Wednesday, June 5th, 6:30 pm to 8:45 pmWHERE? Toyota Sunnyvale, 898 W El Camino Real, Sunnyvale, 2nd floor conference room.This meeting is open to…

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General Meeting – May 1: Fremont Corners Village Center and Steering Committee Election

Don't miss the May 1 meeting!1. Milo Trauss with True Life Companies is going to tell us about the Fremont Corners Village Center application. This project is in the early stages of application and has not begun formal community engagement. However, if you are attending our meeting, you will be among the first to offer input on this project!Fremont Corners is the corner where Longhorn Steak House and 24 Hour Fitness and many other small businesses reside at the corner of Sunnyvale-Saratoga and Fremont Ave.. 2. Livable Sunnyvale Steering Committee Election. All members are eligible to run and vote. Members who have declared will give a short candidate statement and then we’ll…

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Livable Sunnyvale: Regional and Statewide Housing Solutions. Panel Discussion with Housing Experts

Livable Sunnyvale: Regional and Statewide Housing Solutions. Panel Discussion with Housing Experts There are a growing number of proposed State bills to address the housing crisis in California and the Bay Area. Join us for an informative discussion about the impact of these bills and how they relate to the CASA Compact.     April 16, 20197 – 8:30pm – come early to help set upSunnyvale Elks Lodge #2128375 N. Pastoria Ave. (close to the intersection of Maude and Mathilda)

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