When: Wednesday, June 5th, 6:30 pm
Where: Sunnyvale Community Services, 1160 Kern Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94085 in the Community Meeting Room
Or on Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAldO2gqz8oGtW6mTrk6GYK2nzNAxdhkXIW
New Library

Did you know the humble beginnings of our public library began in 1908 as a reading room organized by the Women’s Christian Temperance Union with a collection of 50 books? In 1914 one quarter of Sunnyvale’s residents (177) signed a petition calling to create a public library which was authorized by the Board of Trustees. By the end of 1915, 426 borrowers used the new Sunnyvale Public Library. In 1960 the library moved to its current location and in 1985 a 19,000-square-foot expansion of the library was completed to serve our 1980 population of 106,618. Sunnyvale has grown to 150,918 (2024) with no library expansion since 1980.
The Sunnyvale City Council has voted to add a bond measure to the November 2024 ballot to expand our library to better meet the needs of our growing community. At this meeting, Michelle Perera, Director of Library and Recreation Services will share the vision for our new library.
After the presentation, members will vote on a motion to support the library bond measure.
Connect Bay Area Act – SB1031
Last week, SB 1031, the Connect Bay Area Act, which authorizes a regional transportation funding measure for 2026, with strengthened transit coordination, passed the State Senate but is facing opposition from South Bay leader, Senator Dave Cortese, San Jose Mahan and Cindy Chavez.
Adina Levin from Green Caltrain and Seamless Bay Area, will discuss this important bill and how we can support this effort.
Village Center Update
Chuck Fraleigh, Chair of our Village Center Advocates Committee, will share updates on proposed North Sunnyvale village center developments that will replace much of the retail in these neighborhoods with town homes.
Bylaws Changes
Finally, the Board is proposing changes to our bylaws. Members will vote on a motion to accept these changes:
7. Minutes
Current language: Minutes will be kept for all general membership meetings, and posted 72 hours before the following General Meeting.
New Language: Minutes or recordings will be kept for all general membership meetings, and posted 72 hours before the following General Meeting. The results of Votes and all motions will be kept in a motions log.
III. The Board
Current Language:
- Eligibility Requirements
a. All Board members must be voting members of Livable Sunnyvale in good standing.
b. The Board will consist of nine members, to be elected by the voting
New language:
b. The Board will consist of up to nine members, to be elected by the voting