Candidate Forum for Assembly District AD26 Candidates

Livable Sunnyvale will be hosting a candidate’s forum for the 26th State Assembly District on Tuesday, January 30th at Sunnyvale Community Services from 6:30 – 8pm.

We are expecting the following candidates will attend, Patrick Ahrens, Bob Goodwyn, Sophie Yan Song, and Tara Sreekrishnan.

All candidates will be asked to respond to questions specific to Livable Sunnyvale’s four pillars: Housing, Transportation, Sustainability and Equity.  Spanish translation services will be available.

This election will be held on March 5th! Ballots will be arriving in early February.

We hope you will join us in person at 1160 Kern Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94085 in the Community meeting room, or via Zoom:

Zoom meeting registration

Once registered you will receive a confirmation email with the meeting information. 

Please note that as a 501c3 non-profit Livable Sunnyvale does not endorse any specific candidate or measure. The purpose of this forum is to educate our members and the public on the candidates, regardless of affiliation, and hear their responses to questions from Livable Sunnyvale covering topics of interest to support a vibrant, inclusive and sustainable Sunnyvale for people of all ages and abilities. 

Assembly District 26 map. 

We look forward to seeing you there whether in-person or online.