When: Wednesday, January 10th, 6:30 PM TO 8:30 PM, On Zoom and in-person.
Location of in-person meeting: Sunnyvale Community Services, 1160 Kern Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA
Or Zoom Registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMrcuCopzorHtFaeaQJ-UNE3l4mKX__1WR-
Study Issue and Budget Proposal Forum
Every January, the Sunnyvale City Council begins to prioritize and select which study issues the City will work on that year. The Jan 23rd City Council meeting is the opportunity for members of the public to make comments about study issues that are important to them.
In preparation for this council meeting, Livable Sunnyvale is hosting a Study Issue and Budget Proposal forum with presentations about the following proposed study issues:
- Evaluate the Use of Artificial Turf versus Living Groundcover
- Evaluate Adopting Transit-Supportive Policies for Sunnyvale
- Define Metrics that the City Will Use to Evaluate Progress on Bicycle and Pedestrian Infrastructure for Future Reporting
- Hire an Active Transportation Planner
- Establishment of a Sanctioned Encampment for Unhoused Individuals in Sunnyvale
- Explore Expanding Sunnyvale Municipal Code Chapter 19.52 (Art in Private Development) to Include a Public Art Requirement for High Density Residential Developments (Including Affordable Housing)
- Complete Streets Redesign of Fair Oaks Avenue
- Vision Zero Redesign of Borregas Avenue
- Evaluate the Feasibility of an Ordinance to Ban the Use of Gas-Powered Leaf Blowers and Other Small Two-Stroke Motors Within the City Limits of Sunnyvale
- Review of Appeal Fees and Processes
- Peery Park Specific Plan Amendment (area east of Mathilda Avenue)